Artitja Fine Art Gallery

Artitja Fine Art Gallery

One of Perth’s most respected and accessible Aboriginal art venues, Artitja Fine Art Gallery has been bringing Indigenous art to the forefront for 20 years. Based in South Fremantle since 2004, Artitja Fine Art Gallery is committed to fairness, respect and making art accessible to all, with a strong focus on supporting artists directly.

Artitja has won cultural enterprise and corporate social responsibility awards for it's commitment to transparent and trustworthy art trading. Artitja's founder and director Anna Kanaris was even elected as a board member of the Indigenous Australian Art Commercial Code of Conduct in late 2023, a national guideline for ethical Indigenous art that Artitja has been a signatory of since it was enacted 2009.

Waterholes painting
landscape painting

Artitja's mission

For 20 years Artitja has been partnering with the Aboriginal-owned art centers of remote communities to help their art reach a wider audience. Currently there are over 20 Aboriginal art centers proudly partnered with Artitja, based around regional WA, South Australia and Northern Territories. Artitja has helped to financially support hundreds of artists and their families, many of which have gone on to feature artworks worldwide in major and private collections.

Check out the extensive artist catalogue to find out more about the artists, or read more about their mission on the Artitja webiste.

indigenous painter

indigenous painter

indigenous painter

Buying accessible art

Since Artitja is committed to making Aboriginal art accessible, they make a point of offering artwork under $1000 alongside more expensive pieces above $1000, attracting both established art collectors and novice buyers.

If paintings aren't your thing, check out the artworks on paper, or the sculptures and ceramics, including the Tiwi / Arnhem Land collection.

living room painting
dining room painting

Artitja Fine Art Gallery caters to clients locally, nationally, and internationally. The buying process is completely personalised through an appointment-based system, in which Artitja's curators help you pick an artwork that fits your budget, stylistic preferences and space. Purchasing artwork through Artitja directly supports the artists, their families, art centers and communities, contributing primarily to the administrative requirements for keeping their doors open and ongoing income for their families.

View the collection by appointment, running seven days a week, or if you prefer online browsing the Artitja website is regularly updated with new and incredible artworks.


Artitja Fine Art Gallery annually hosts up to five exhibitions across various spaces. Coming up is the exhibition Bold, Brilliant, Beguiling, from August 24 to September 15 at The Terrace Greenhouse in South Fremantle.

Bold, Beautiful, Beguiling will predominantly feature vibrant paintings by Isaac Lane, an emerging artist whose energetic works mix traditional themes with contemporary flair. Isaac’s fresh perspective is influenced by his artistic lineage and is sure to impress. The exhibition will also feature works from well-known artists Bugai Whyoulter, Katjarra Butler, and Janice Stanley, plus a selection of ceramics and sculptural pieces.

Isaac Lane painting
Isaac Lane painting
boola bardip origins

Boola bardip wildlife

Wa museum boola bardip

What's on at Artitja Fine Art Gallery

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