Baw Baw picnic sites

The Baw Baw region in Victoria, Australia, offers a variety of picturesque picnic areas for visitors to enjoy. One such location is the Great Forest National Park, where you can find a picnic area conveniently situated at the intersection of three walking tracks leading to Masons Falls and Mt Sugarloaf Lookout. Unravel the picnic rug, find a bench, and relax while sharing food and moments in this stunning setting.

Another option is the Baw Baw National Park, which covers a substantial part of the Baw Baw Plateau. The park offers a range of outdoor activities, including camping, hiking, mountain biking, and skiing, depending on the season. A camping area with fireplaces, pit toilets, and picnic tables can be found on the banks of the Aberfeldy River, providing a serene spot for a meal in the great outdoors.

For a more urban picnic experience, consider visiting Alex Goudie Park. This park features a playground, BBQ facilities, and picnic grounds surrounding a lake. The area is fringed by a flora reserve, which is home to a variety of plant and animal species.

In addition to these options, the Baw Baw Shire is home to several other parks and playgrounds that offer ideal settings for a leisurely picnic. So pack your basket, grab a blanket, and head out to explore the beautiful Baw Baw region in Victoria.

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