Blackall-Tambo parks

The Blackall-Tambo Region in Queensland boasts a variety of parks and gardens for visitors to explore. In Blackall, Memorial Park pays tribute to the region's history with various memorials, while Banks Park offers a peaceful setting for picnics and relaxation. Ram Park showcases old buildings filled with displays and stories that bring the town's history to life. The Riverside Picnic Area, located next to the Barcoo River, provides wood BBQs, tables, and shaded spots for a delightful picnic experience. Meanwhile, E.E. Parr Park in Tambo offers a tranquil setting for visitors to enjoy.

Apart from these parks, the region is surrounded by natural attractions such as Salvator Rosa and Idalia National Parks, which cater to four-wheel-drive enthusiasts seeking to explore diverse landscapes. Tambo Dam, a picturesque location, serves as a serene spot for nature lovers, offering a habitat for water birds and wildlife.