Dunkeld attractions

Dunkeld, a charming town in Victoria, offers a variety of attractions for visitors to explore. The Dunkeld Arboretum is a serene spot featuring trees, a lake, walking track, labyrinth, and sawmill, providing picturesque views of the Grampians. The Grampians National Park is a must-visit destination known for its mountain ranges, wildflowers, creeks, lakes, and waterfalls. It offers walking tracks, lookouts, and the Grampians Peak Trail. The Grampians Art Studio is also worth a visit for art enthusiasts. Dunkeld's main street features shops and the renowned Royal Mail Hotel, known for its exceptional dining. The Gerard Murphy Furniture gallery offers a range of giftware and tableware, and the Ros McArthur Art Studio offers hidden gems for art enthusiasts. Hikers can enjoy vigorous treks up Mount Sturgeon, Mount Abrupt, or the Piccaninny for breathtaking views. Dunkeld offers a diverse range of dining options, including the Royal Mail Hotel and the trendy Koopmans art-space cafe known for its coffee and brunch.