Lithgow Region attractions

The Lithgow region in New South Wales offers a variety of attractions catering to different interests. Some of the top attractions in the area include Eskbank House, the oldest residence in Lithgow showcasing the region's history; the Lithgow Small Arms Factory Museum, highlighting Australia's defense capabilities; Gardens of Stone National Park, known for its unique rock formations; the Glow Worm Tunnel, offering a unique experience with glowworms; Hassans Walls Lookout, providing panoramic views of the landscape; Blast Furnace Park, featuring remnants of the industrial past; Lithgow State Mine Heritage Park, showcasing the town's mining history; Hartley Historic Site, a village reflecting its role in Australia's settlement; Gang Gang Gallery, an art gallery featuring local artists; and Queen Elizabeth Park, a serene escape in Lithgow.

These attractions collectively make Lithgow a captivating destination for travelers interested in history, culture, and natural beauty.

Lithgow Region
Tourist attractions

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