Neerim South attractions

Neerim South, located in the Gippsland region of Victoria, Australia, offers a variety of attractions for visitors. The town is set in picturesque surroundings, making it a popular destination for travelers. Some of the top attractions to visit in Neerim South include Little Charli's Lookout, which provides breathtaking views of the surrounding scenery, The Serigraph Gallery, a local center for contemporary art showcasing a variety of artworks, Neerim South Wetlands, a serene natural area for peaceful walks and birdwatching, and Neerim South Playground, a family-friendly attraction ideal for those traveling with children.

In addition to these attractions, Neerim South is known for its proximity to the Baw Baw National Park, making it a convenient stopover for those en route to the ski fields. The town also offers galleries, boutique B&Bs, and a variety of dining options, making it an appealing destination for food lovers. Visitors can also take advantage of the area's scenic bush trails, horseback tours, and the opportunity to stock up on local produce, cheeses, and meats from regional growers and shops.

Neerim South's picturesque rural setting, surrounded by rolling hills and lush green grazing land, makes it an attractive place to visit for travelers in search of natural beauty and a relaxed atmosphere.