Parks in Quilpie Region

The Quilpie region in Queensland offers a variety of parks and natural attractions for visitors to explore. Some of the notable parks and attractions include Baldy Top Lookout in Quilpie, offering stunning views of the landscape and unique flora and fauna. Idalia National Park near Adavale is a must-visit destination for nature lovers, featuring diverse plant and animal species and picturesque landscapes. Hell Hole Gorge National Park in South West Queensland, near Adavale, is known for its natural beauty and abundant wildlife. Mural Park, adjoining the Quilpie Visitor Information Centre, showcases a stunning mural depicting Quilpie's history, along with unique handcrafted tables and boulder opal mosaics.

The Quilpie Shire Military History Museum and Quilpie Shire Rail Museum, located next to the Visitor Information Centre, offer insights into the region's military and rail history. For those planning a trip to a national park in Queensland, the Quilpie Visitor Information Centre can assist with the booking process. To make the most of a visit to the Quilpie region, visitors should stop by the Quilpie Museum and Gallery to learn more about the area's history and attractions.