Arthur's Pass attractions

Arthur's Pass, located in the Southern Alps of New Zealand, offers a variety of attractions for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers. The Arthur's Pass National Park Visitor Centre provides information about the park's features and activities. The Otira Viaduct Lookout offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape. The Devils Punchbowl Walking Track takes you to the impressive Devil's Punchbowl Falls, providing a rewarding hiking experience.

The pass itself, rising to over 900 meters, is a remarkable feat of engineering and a scenic drive through the Southern Alps, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains, beech forests, and rivers. Travelers can also enjoy the renowned TranzAlpine rail service, which provides an alternative way to experience the park's stunning landscapes. For adventure enthusiasts, the area offers hiking opportunities, including the Arthur's Pass Walking Track and Avalanche Peak, as well as skiing and snowboarding in the Temple Basin Ski Area during winter.

The village of Arthur's Pass itself offers a charming alpine setting with cafes, a bar, and a historic hotel, providing a relaxing atmosphere for visitors to unwind after a day of adventure. For those seeking a more immersive experience, the national park features multi-day hiking routes with accommodation in alpine huts, allowing visitors to fully immerse themselves in the park's natural beauty.