Offshore Islands tours

New Zealand's offshore islands, managed by the Department of Conservation (DOC), offer unique and diverse experiences for visitors. Some of the top offshore islands worth visiting include Stewart Island, Great Barrier Island, Rangitoto Island, and the Chatham Islands. Stewart Island is known for its pristine forests and large Kiwi population, while Great Barrier Island boasts beautiful landscapes and is a haven for nature enthusiasts. Rangitoto Island offers hiking opportunities with panoramic views, thanks to its unique volcanic terrain. The Chatham Islands, although remote, offer a chance to experience dramatic coastlines and learn about New Zealand's unique native culture.

These islands are of great ecological importance and many are nature reserves due to their outstanding biological values. They are home to a diverse range of seabirds, from tropic birds and boobies in the north to numerous species of albatrosses and penguins in the south. Additionally, some islands serve as the last refuges for rare animals and plants, such as tuatara, various species of lizards, and unique invertebrates. With little disturbance from pests, these islands are valuable sites for internationally acclaimed conservation projects, making them ideal for nature lovers and those interested in wildlife preservation.

Visitors to these islands can partake in various activities such as hiking, birdwatching, and experiencing the unique flora and fauna. It's important to note that a permit is required to visit some of the nature reserve islands, as they are being carefully preserved for their ecological significance.

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