Airlie Beach-Cannonvale art galleries and exhibitions

Airlie Beach and Cannonvale in Queensland boast a vibrant art scene with several galleries showcasing local artists' works. These galleries provide a unique insight into the creative talents of the region, offering visitors a chance to appreciate and purchase artworks that capture the essence of the Whitsundays. One prominent gallery is Art Whitsunday, a collective of creative individuals from the Whitsunday region, featuring a diverse range of artworks reflecting various skills and disciplines. The gallery hosts exhibitions like "Through Our Eyes" and "Kaleidoscope," showcasing interpretations of the artists' surroundings in the Whitsundays.

In Cannonvale, Above & Below Photography is highly recommended for its stunning underwater and aerial photographs by artist Brook Miles. The gallery is known for its beautiful atmosphere and impressive range of gifts. Foot's Artworks is another top-rated gallery in Cannonvale, offering a variety of artworks, posters, fine art prints, and Whitsundays-themed gifts and souvenirs. Visitors are encouraged to explore these galleries to discover captivating artworks celebrating the beauty and uniqueness of the region.