
Nestled in the Macarthur Region of New South Wales, Bargo offers a delightful escape from the bustling city life, with a variety of attractions and activities to explore. The town is surrounded by picturesque landscapes and rich biodiversity, making it an enchanting destination for travelers.

One of the top things to do in Bargo is to visit the Mermaid Pools and the Potholes. These natural swimming spots, located on the Bargo River, offer a perfect opportunity to take a refreshing dip and enjoy the stunning surroundings. The Mermaid Pools Hike is a picturesque trail that leads to these beautiful swimming spots, making it a must-visit for nature enthusiasts.

Another must-visit attraction in Bargo is the Wirrimbirra Sanctuary. This wildlife haven is a great place to immerse yourself in the area's natural splendor and discover the diverse native wildlife, including kangaroos, wallabies, and numerous bird species.

For outdoor enthusiasts, the Bargo State Conservation Area is a haven for birdwatching, hiking, and swimming. It offers diverse landscapes, lush forests, and natural pools at Little River and Moore Creek. It's a perfect destination for those who enjoy being in nature and exploring the outdoors.