Cooma museums

Cooma, located in the Snowy Monaro region of New South Wales, is home to a unique museum that showcases the history of crime and punishment in the state. The New South Wales State Corrective Services Museum, also known as the Gaol Museum, offers a fascinating insight into the 200-year penal history of incarceration in New South Wales, from convict days to the present. The museum features a collection of objects related to punishment and crime, such as manacles, leg irons, clothing, weapons, and escape devices, as well as other visual documentation. There are constant additions to the museum collection, including a new permanent exhibit titled "Caring for the Incarcerated," which highlights the history of prison medical services in New South Wales.

Minimum security inmates serve as tour guides, sharing stories from the convict period, great escapes, and the gaol system today. Inmate art and craft are also on display, with handmade items available for purchase from the gift shop. The museum is wheelchair accessible and offers ample caravan parking at the front. Admission is $2 per person, including a guided tour from an inmate or warden if available. The museum is located in Vale Street, right next to the Cooma Gaol. In addition to the Corrective Services Museum, Cooma also features other attractions such as the Cooma Monaro Railway Museum, a heritage railway museum housed in the beautifully restored Cooma Railway Station building.