Crows Nest bars and clubs

Crows Nest, a suburb in New South Wales, Australia, offers a vibrant nightlife and bar scene. The area boasts a variety of bars, ranging from small and intimate to larger and more energetic establishments. The Crow Bar, one of the most popular bars in the area, stands out for its enjoyable and innovative cocktails crafted by skilled mixologists. The Foxtrot Inn, with its hidden entrance and Prohibition-era style, also attracts a significant crowd. Those seeking a more rustic ambiance can opt for The Stoned Crow, which exudes rustic charm.

Aside from these prominent establishments, there are numerous other options available in Crows Nest. Knird, a relatively new addition to the bar scene, has quickly gained recognition for its extensive drink selection and delectable food offerings. Small Bar provides another excellent choice, featuring a sleek yet cozy atmosphere and a focus on Australian and New Zealand beverages.

Crows Nest
Food & drink

16 results