Georges River art galleries and exhibitions

Georges River in New South Wales is home to a collection of art galleries that exhibit various artworks and exhibitions. Among these is the Hurstville Museum & Gallery, which holds around 6,000 objects and artworks from the local area. The institution offers a full schedule of high-quality exhibitions, diverse public programs for all ages, and educational programs for school groups.

Within the Hurstville Museum & Gallery building are four exhibition galleries that feature a rotating schedule of exhibitions. The Main Gallery presents major exhibitions, including traveling exhibits, while the Dragon's Lair Gallery serves as a community art space for local artists and groups. The Snapshot Gallery is a smaller area dedicated to showcasing local history collections, and a permanent exhibition titled 'St George Stories' explores the lives of the St George community.

Georges River hosts the biennial Georges River Art Prize, a competition that attracts entries from artists across the country. The winning and finalist artworks are currently exhibited at Hurstville Museum & Gallery and Clive James Library and Service Kogarah. Visitors can engage with the array of public programs, education initiatives, and captivating exhibitions at venues like Hurstville Museum & Gallery while immersing themselves in the vibrant community ambiance.

Georges River art galleries and exhibitions - Localista

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