Serpentine attractions

Serpentine, Victoria, is a rural center that is known for its greenery, pepper trees, and eucalypts, providing a tranquil escape from urban life. The town has a rich history, starting with its first European sighting by Major Mitchell in 1836. Serpentine is also associated with the famous Burke and Wills expedition, as they allegedly passed through the townsite in 1860. With its natural beauty and historical significance, Serpentine is an appealing destination for those interested in exploring Victoria's rural heritage.

Aside from its historical and natural attractions, Serpentine is home to the Serpentine Galleries, located in the Royal Park of Kensington Gardens in London. The galleries, consisting of the Serpentine South and Serpentine North, are renowned for their contemporary art exhibitions and events. They offer free admission and are a must-visit for art enthusiasts who want to experience cutting-edge contemporary art in a beautiful park setting.

Additionally, the Serpentine Lido is a large man-made lake created in 1730. It is a popular spot for swimming and bird-watching. Fed by the Thames, the lake provides a peaceful environment for outdoor activities and relaxation. Visitors seeking a serene retreat in nature will find the Serpentine Lido to be a delightful destination.