Wingan River attractions

Wingan River, located in the Croajingolong National Park in Victoria, offers a variety of attractions for nature enthusiasts. The Wingan Inlet is a secluded area with sandy beaches and pristine rainforests, where visitors can enjoy fishing and water activities. The Wingan Rapids, a nearby attraction, features crystal clear water trickling between granite boulders adorned with colorful lichen and moss. The Fly Cove Walk provides an opportunity to admire Southern Ocean vistas and observe Australian and New Zealand Fur Seals.

For those looking to stay and explore the area further, the Wingan Inlet Campground offers a peaceful camping experience surrounded by tall Bloodwood trees. The campground provides access to the Wingan River for canoeing and kayaking adventures. The area is also known for its diverse wildlife, including water dragons, native birds, and jumping fish.

In addition to the natural attractions, the Croajingolong National Park is home to ancient forests, pristine inlets, and giant sand dunes, making it a haven for outdoor enthusiasts and those seeking unspoiled natural beauty.