Riverton attractions

Riverton, also known as Aparima, is a charming town located on the south coast of Southland, New Zealand. It offers a perfect blend of culture, history, and natural beauty, making it an ideal destination for travelers seeking a unique experience. The town is home to several attractions, including the Te Hikoi Museum and Information Centre, which provides insights into the local culture and heritage. Visitors can also explore the Colac Bay, a renowned surfing spot, and the Templeton Flax Mill Heritage Museum, which offers a glimpse into the area's industrial history.

Riverton's picturesque surroundings, such as the Jacob's River Estuary and the sweeping coastline, make it a haven for nature enthusiasts. The town's beaches and estuary are popular for various activities, including swimming, kayaking, and surfing. Additionally, the area is known for its diverse artistic community, with numerous galleries, off-beat shops, cafes, and art studios to explore. Travelers can also embark on the Long Hilly Track, which winds through regenerating native bush and showcases relics from the early days of Chinese gold mining in Southland.

Furthermore, Riverton is a significant stopover on the Southern Scenic Route, making it a convenient and rewarding destination for those traveling between Queenstown and Dunedin.