Waitaki art galleries and exhibitions

The Forrester Gallery in Ōamaru is a prominent art gallery in the Waitaki region, housed in a former Bank of New South Wales building designed by architect Robert Lawson in 1883. Converted into an art gallery in 1983, the building retains its historic architecture and plays a significant role in the local art and culture scene. The gallery offers a diverse exhibition program featuring artworks significant to the region and is supported by the Friends of Forrester Gallery.

The Waitaki Museum & Gallery, currently undergoing upgrades with a three-storey extension, is connected to the existing Forrester Gallery. This project, named Forrester Gallery Stage 2, will result in an expanded gallery space that will further enrich the cultural offerings in the Waitaki region. These galleries, with their rich history, impressive architecture, and varied exhibition programs, provide a unique and engaging experience for visitors.

Waitaki art galleries and exhibitions - Localista

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