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ArtsEdge is a strategic arts in education partnership between the Department of Culture and the Arts (DCA) and the Department of Education (DoE). Conceived as a one year pilot project in 1998 through the School Arts Visiting Organisation (SAVO) and delivered in partnership between DCA and DoE since 1999, ArtsEdge is a strategic alliance facilitating partnerships across and between the arts and cultural and education sectors.

Additionally, ArtsEdge is a key delivery mechanism of Creative Connections: An Arts in Education Partnership Framework.
Through facilitation between the sectors, ArtsEdge creates opportunities through partnership to encourage, develop, promote and celebrate learning environments which spark creativity in students and their school communities.

ArtsEdge supports the sectors through partnering and facilitating the development of a range of services and resources designed to recognise and promote the value and importance of arts and culture across the curriculum.

ArtsEdge encourages communication between the sectors, with the recognition and celebration of achievement in arts in education, one of the program’s most important roles.

Program Principles

Five principles guide our activities and undertakings:

ArtsEdge fosters the value of the arts in enhancing learning in school communities, particularly in relation to participation and engagement across the curriculum.
We encourage the participation of all students in high quality educational and artistic activities.
We recognise and advocate for the wide ranging educational benefits of participating and engaging in dynamic learning experiences.
We champion the personal and social benefits a variety of arts experiences brings to the lives of participants.
We consider it fundamental that the arts and cultural and education sectors have the opportunity to engage in professional learning programs which enrich knowledge, increase confidence and fuel enthusiasm to undertake further arts experiences.
ArtsEdge values the contributions successful partnerships between the arts and education sectors make in enhancing the learning experiences of students.
We are committed to developing and strengthening quality partnerships in and between the arts and cultural and education sectors.
We strive to promote and showcase the achievements and outcomes of partnerships involving school communities.
We are committed to developing, providing and promoting products though print and online services.
We consider it essential that professional learning programs are accessible to all interested parties across Western Australia.
We appreciate the importance of arts and cultural experiences being affordable for individual schools in a range of settings.
We support making the best use of available community resources including venues, facilities and expertise.
We believe in the value of collaborative approaches to marketing.
We aim to facilitate sustainable partnerships to further arts education development.
Key Services

Facilitating Partnerships

ArtsEdge encourages the development of exciting partnerships between the arts and cultural and education sectors. We work to enable opportunities for students, educators and artists to work together.

Professional Learning

Professional learning for Educators and Artists provides access to and information from arts and cultural practitioners, consultants and advisory services regarding planning, developing and implementing arts learning experiences.

Promotion and Resources

ArtsEdge is dedicated to visioning, developing, implementing and promoting events and projects which support, recognise, advocate and celebrate opportunities in arts in education. These include industry events, briefings, conferences, workshops via the ArtsEdge website through the What’s On calendar of arts and cultural events, and showcasing arts in education stories via the ArtsEdge E-Newsletter and Spotlight on Success web pages.

ArtsEdge print and online publications include:

Telling Tales
Artists in Schools: The ArtsEdge Guide for Artists and Teachers in Western Australia (Second Edition 2009)
Artsamazing: The ArtsEdge Guide to Arts and Cultural Education Events in Western Australia (2012 Edition)
Artist-In-Residence (AIR) Grants Program Case Study Publications (First Edition Pilot Year 1: 2009-2010)
We continue to work alongside the arts and cultural and education sectors in resource development. 


Arts Clubs: Performing Arts, Visual Arts


Department of Culture and the Arts Gordon Stephenson House 140 William Street, Perth, WA 6000

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