
Baird Bay

Tourist attractions

Baird Bay, SA 5671


Baird Bay is a small fishing village on the west coast of Eyre Peninsula in South Australia.

It is known for its Australian sea lion colony, making it a popular tourist spot. Visitors have the opportunity to swim with these adorable creatures and also see dolphins during the tour. The tours are closed during the winter months. Participants get to meet the sea lions and dolphins in the open ocean.

Swimming with sea lions and dolphins in Baird Bay is an unforgettable experience. It allows visitors to interact with these animals in their natural habitat. The playful nature of the creatures adds to the excitement of the tour.

The tours start at 9:30 AM and 1 PM. The morning tour is the main one, with an afternoon tour available only if the morning tour is fully booked. Passengers are required to arrive 30 minutes before the tour begins.

These tours offer an intimate experience, with small groups taken out to meet the sea creatures. It's a chance to interact with marine mammals in their own environment.

Baird Bay is accessible by road, with the nearest town, Streaky Bay, located 51 kilometers away. The town itself has limited facilities, including a few houses, a camping ground, and a boat ramp. If you're seeking a wild and unique experience, Baird Bay is the ideal destination. The tours provide a safe and enjoyable way to interact with these incredible sea creatures. So, if you want to swim with sea lions and dolphins in their natural environment, Baird Bay, South Australia is the place


Natural attractions: Beaches

Trails & sites: Fishing Spots


Baird Bay, SA 5671

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