
Historic Barwon Bridge

Tourist attractions

Brewarrina, NSW 2839


The Historic Barwon Bridge Brewarrina is a marvel of engineering that dates back to late 1800s.

This bridge is of great significance for New South Wales, and a must-see attraction for anyone interested in history, engineering, and enjoying scenic views. The Brewarrina Barwon Bridge is one of the two remaining lift span bridges in NSW that allowed traffic to cross over the Barwon River. It spans an impressive 16.8 meters, the width of the picturesque Barwon River, and was designed by Public Works Engineer, Percy Allen. The Brewarrina Bridge is a wrought-iron lift bridge with timber beam approaches, and the original design of the bridge required two men to operate the mechanisms to “lift” the center section of the bridge, which was later modified in 1896 so that it required only one operator. The bridge was a technically sophisticated structure for its time and one of the only two surviving examples of the first series of lift bridges left in New South Wales and the second oldest lift bridge.

Step out on the bridge and transport yourself back in time to a period when paddle steamers traversed the Barwon River, transporting supplies and freight from town to town. To experience the full beauty of the bridge, it is suggested to visit in the pre-dawn or just on dusk and you will have a birds-eye view of the spectacular sunrises and sunsets the Outback is known for. The piers supporting the Bridge are renowned havens for Murray Cod and Yellow Belly (Golden Perch), making it a great spot for fishing. Some of the best catches reportedly take place underneath the bridge. If you are interested in canoeing, kayaking, or any form of boating, you can float


Parks: Regional Parks

Trails & sites: Heritage trails


Brewarrina, NSW 2839

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