
Bungonia National Park

Tourist attractions

The Lookdown Road, Bungonia NSW 2580, Bungonia, NSW 2580
(02) 4827 4700


Bungonia National Park is a 15 square kilometre protected national park in New South Wales, Australia.

It is known for its caves and gorges, offering adventure, hiking, and scenic opportunities. The park borders the Bungonia State Conservation area, Morton National Park, and Bungonia Creek. Originally protected as a water reserve in the 19th century, the park has cultural heritage sites and was settled by Europeans in the 1820s.

The park's unique geology is part of the Lachlan Fold Belt and consists of metamorphosed sandstones, shales, and volcanic rocks. It has over 200 caves and limestone features, with shallow structured organic loam soil on the main plateau. The park is home to threatened plant and animal species, including the koala and spotted-tail quoll. Feral animal control programs have been implemented to address habitat destruction.

Bungonia National Park has a cool winter climate and an average summer temperature between 12°C and 26°C. It experiences an average rainfall of 665 mm, with feral animal control programs in place to preserve vulnerable species. Concerns have been raised about a nearby limestone quarry and its impact on the park's geology and water sources.

The park offers adventure activities such as caving and climbing, with numerous caves accessible to experienced and inexperienced cavers. There are also marked hiking trails, lookout points, picnic areas, and a camping area. Bungonia Slot Canyon provides opportunities for bouldering and limestone climbing.

Due to its popularity and dense bushland, the park has experienced incidents involving hikers and climbers. Several fatalities and injuries have occurred since 1991, including incidents of falling from cliffs and becoming trapped. Search and


Parks: Caving Sites, Entry Station, Hiking Trails, Lookouts, Picnic Area, Rock Climbing Sites, Toilets, National parks

Trails & sites: Caving Sites


The Lookdown Road, Bungonia NSW 2580, Bungonia, NSW 2580

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