
Steve's Bommie Dive Site

Tourist attractions

Ribbon Reef, Cairns QLD 4870, Cairns City, QLD 4870


Located north of Cairns at Ribbon Reef No.3, Steve's Bommie Dive Site is a renowned dive site known for its incredible underwater structure.

Situated on the outside edge of the Great Barrier Reef, this site is a collection of coral formations and underwater ridges. With depths ranging from 30 meters to just five meters below the water, it offers a diverse range of marine life. Steve's Bommie Dive Site is home to a wide variety of marine species. Divers can expect to encounter bigeye trevally, barracuda, yellow-lined snapper, Moses perch, yellow-lined goatfish, and many others. The site is particularly popular among macro photographers, who can capture stunning images of nudibranchs, flatworms, pipefish, scorpionfish, lionfish, mantis shrimps, and other small sea creatures. This abundance of marine life makes Steve's Bommie Dive Site a true diver's paradise.

The best time to visit Steve's Bommie Dive Site is between August and December. During these months, divers can enjoy good visibility and calm weather, enhancing their overall diving experience.

To reach Steve's Bommie Dive Site, visitors can fly to Cairns, Australia, and then take a boat to the Great Barrier Reef. Numerous diving tours and excursions are available for those who wish to explore the rich marine life that this dive site has to offer.


Trails & sites: Mountain bike trails


Ribbon Reef, Cairns QLD 4870, Cairns City, QLD 4870

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