
Jean Sher - A Brush with the Landscape (expired event)

Events May 5 - June 3

10 Harris Road, Caversham, WA 6055
(08) 9388 3300


I have always been struck by the shape of our elegant trees found in the paddocks of our South West wine region and the bold sculptural shapes of Rottnest Island trees with their deep summer shadows.

"To me, trees link earth and sky. I try to paint the changing mood of day – the light and colours of the sky, a moon, a star, or a cloud hovering over this unique landscape of ours." Jean Sher 2018

Opening and Artist Floor at 2pm on Sunday 6 May



Event date: May 5 - June 3

Art exhibitions: Painting


10 Harris Road, Caversham, WA 6055

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