
Peter Francis Points Arboretum

Tourist attractions

Coleraine, VIC 3315
+61 434 729 211


The Peter Francis Points Arboretum in Coleraine, Western Victoria is a botanical treasure.

It houses a valuable collection of native Australian plants spread across 37 hectares of parkland. With over 10,000 recorded plants, the arboretum serves as a resource for botanical research and education, as well as a celebration of our natural botanical heritage.

Visitors to the arboretum can explore a diverse collection of Eucalypts, registered with the Garden Plant Conservation Association of Australia Inc. There are also walking trails that showcase rare and endangered species of native plants. The parkland itself is a picturesque spot for a picnic, inviting visitors to relax and enjoy the serenity of this unique location. During these months, the weather is mild, and the parkland comes alive with vibrant colors as the trees display their beauty.

To reach the Peter Francis Points Arboretum, visitors can take the Hamilton Highway and turn off onto Three Chain Rd. Follow this road for approximately 3.5km until you see the entrance of the arboretum on your left.

For those interested in becoming members of the Peter Francis Points Arboretum Inc, there are several benefits. Members receive updates on the arboretum's progress through an exclusive members' newsletter called Talking Points. They also have the opportunity to attend general meetings of the Association and contribute to its development through volunteering and participation.

To apply for membership, interested individuals can contact the association and request a membership application form. The annual membership fee for 2021 is $25. As an incorporated organization, the association has a set of rules that


Natural attractions: Botanical gardens


Coleraine, VIC 3315

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