
Mitchell River Silt Jetties

Tourist attractions

Eagle Point, VIC 3878


Located in the Gippsland Lakes region of Victoria, Australia, the Mitchell River silt jetties are a unique natural phenomenon.

These long, thin landforms are formed by sediment deposition from the Mitchell River, creating elongated banks of silt that extend more than eight kilometers east into the Lake King area.

The formation of the Mitchell River silt jetties is a result of sediment accumulation during periods of low water flow. The Mitchell River drains a large area of the East Gippsland region, transporting sediments that eventually get deposited in the Gippsland Lakes region. High water flow washes through the accumulated sediment during low periods, creating long and narrow banks of silt.

Visitors can navigate the south bank of the Mitchell River silt jetties by car from the town of Eagle Point. Driving up to the easternmost tip of the south bank, located at Point Dawson, offers magnificent views of the Mitchell River and its surroundings. The Mitchell River silt jetties are a must-visit attraction in the Gippsland Lakes region. Exploring this unique landform by driving along the south bank provides breathtaking views and an opportunity to appreciate the natural beauty of Victoria, Australia.


Natural attractions: Cliffs & Rock Formations


Eagle Point, VIC 3878

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