
Porongurup National Park

Tourist attractions

Porongurup, WA


The massive ancient granite domes of Porongurup National Park rise 670 metres, giving exhilarating views of the landscape, especially from the Granite Skywalk suspended on Castle Rock.

Porongurup Range is a fascinating place for picnicking and bush rambles. It is a place of incredible biodiversity, with 750 native plant species in an area of just 2600 hectares.

Range of experiences

Paths lead to several peaks, other paths cross the range, and a nature trail leads through the forest near the Tree-in-the-Rock picnic area. The Castle Rock picnic area is another great picnic spot and also the start of a 4.4 km return walk to the Granite Skywalk with its incredible views. For a short video overview of the Skywalk, click here.

Scenic driving

Enjoy impressive views from a 23 km drive around the entire range (mostly unsealed with steep sections) via Bolganup Road, Angwin Park Road, Woodlands Road, Millinup Road, Chester Pass Road and Mount Barker-Porongurup Road.

A 5km drive (unsealed with steep sections) along Angwin Park Road between Bolganup Road and Woodlands Road offers outstanding views of granite outcrops and Stirling Range to the north.

Your safety

It’s great to escape everyday life and visit?a park or reserve in WA. It is also important to us that you return safely to your family and friends.?

Always remember it is?really important?to plan when to visit. Read this safety information about bushwalking. Consider traveling with a personal location beacon (PLB). In the event you need to be rescued it could save your life!

  • Please take care - there are slippery, rough and uneven surfaces throughout the park.
  • Carry two to three litres of drinking water per person for half to full day walks.
  • Be prepared for sudden weather changes. Wear boots or sturdy footwear, weatherproof clothing and sun protection. Take plenty of food on hikes and notify someone of your expected time of return.
  • The park is baited four times a year to control foxes. The poisonous 1080 baits (small chunks of dried meat or pink sausages) should not be handled.
  • Eucalypt trees can shed branches at any time. Be extra aware on windy days for your own safety.

This information was provided by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions: dpaw.wa.gov.au


Parks: Entry Station, Hiking Trails, Lookouts, Toilets, National parks


Porongurup, WA

40km N of Albany.

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