
Killer Whale Trail

Tourist attractions

Locations around Eden, Eden NSW 2551, Eden, NSW 2551
(02) 6496 1953


The Killer Whale Trail Eden is a self-drive day tour on the Sapphire Coast, NSW.

It takes visitors through delightful natural surrounds around Eden, offering a chance to discover beautiful landscapes and uncover the natural and historical significance of the place.

The tour allows visitors to visit five historical sites and learn about the bond between the local Aboriginal people and the Wild Killer Whales. They can gather fresh produce in Eden for a picnic at Davidson's Whaling Station or enjoy lunch at the Seahorse Inn with a view of the beach. The history of whaling from 1828 to 1930 is explored, along with the unique relationship between the Thaua People, European mariners, and the wild killer whales. The Eden Killer Whale Museum is a prominent highlight of the tour.

The museum showcases the incredible partnership between humans and killer whales witnessed in the 1840s. Visitors can discover the recognisable killer whales and artefacts from the maritime, Aboriginal, and pioneering heritage. The best time to visit the Killer Whale Trail is during spring (September to November) to witness the migration of Humpback Whales.

The trail is accessible by car and easy to navigate. It begins and ends in Eden, a small coastal town in NSW. Visitors can reach Eden by car from Sydney, Canberra, or Melbourne. Alternatively, they can fly into Merimbula Airport and proceed to the trail with a rental car.

Each stop along the Killer Whale Trail represents a chapter of a fascinating story of natural history, regional traditions, and the bond between human societies and the natural world. This self-drive day tour promises excitement and insight, creating unforgettable memories.


Trails & sites: Aboriginal


Locations around Eden, Eden NSW 2551, Eden, NSW 2551

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