
Oak Forest

Tourist attractions

Harcourt, VIC 3453


Oak Forest Harcourt is a historical and photogenic destination located in Picnic Gully, Harcourt.

It was established in 1900 by the Lands Department to provide acorns for the local tanning industry. Today, it is a popular spot for camping, picnics, and outdoor activities, and is conveniently located near the La Larr Ba Gauwa mountain bike park.

The area is known for its beautiful oak trees, which have flourished over the years. Oak Forest Harcourt offers a charming natural setting for picnics, family activities, and mountain biking. It is situated near the number one green trail, making it a great starting point for mountain bike adventures.

In addition to its recreational value, Oak Forest Harcourt holds historical significance. While the Valonia Oaks that were originally planted have died out, other oak species have thrived and become a beloved feature of the Harcourt landscape. The forest's irrigation needs are met by a bore drilled in 1971.

Despite being just minutes away from Harcourt township, Oak Forest Harcourt has a remote and other-worldly ambiance. The dense oak trees create a lush and green environment in spring and summer, while autumn brings a stunning display of warm colors. Even in winter, the forest maintains its unique atmosphere.

Photographers are drawn to Oak Forest Harcourt for its photogenic appeal. The forest provides a variety of backdrops for capturing seasonal beauty and portraits. The generous spaces within the forest allow photographers to capture stunning shots.

Oak Forest Harcourt can be visited throughout the year, with each season offering its own unique views. Spring and autumn are popular for picnics and outdoor activities, while April is the best time to witness the breathtaking autumn colors.

To reach Oak


Trails & sites: Picnic sites


Harcourt, VIC 3453

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