
Hole In The Wall

Tourist attractions

Heron Island QLD 4680, Heron Island, QLD 4680


Hole In The Wall is a magnificent dive site located at Heron Island, a remarkable coral cay in the southern Great Barrier Reef.

It is effortlessly accessible by boat and offers a vast range of fascinating marine life. At depths of up to 20 meters, experienced divers can explore an underwater paradise featuring exquisite coral walls, gutters, caves, and ledges. Expect to see moray eels, crayfish, tasselled wobbegongs, squirrelfish, soldierfish, and stingrays.

One of the unique features of Hole In The Wall is the opportunity for drift diving, where divers can be carried by the currents instead of swimming through the site. Along the way, divers can stop and observe extraordinary marine life, including turtles, schools of hussars, batfish, trevally, and white-tip reef sharks. The dive site is perfect for diving year-round, with November to February offering the best water visibility and serenity. In addition to the diverse marine life, Hole In The Wall is also home to a variety of reef fish and invertebrate species. Visitors can take the time to search for smaller critters like nudibranchs, blennies, and pipefish. To reach Heron Island, a one-hour and 20-minute flight from Brisbane to Gladstone airport is required. From there, visitors can take a Freedom Fast Catamaran or a charter boat that takes approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes. Alternatively, a helicopter ride offers a 30-minute journey with a spectacular aerial view of the Great Barrier Reef.


Natural attractions: Other


Heron Island QLD 4680, Heron Island, QLD 4680

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