
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens

Tourist attractions

Queens Domain, Hobart TAS 7000, Hobart, TAS 7000
(03) 6166 0451


The Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens (RTBG) is located in Hobart within the Queens Domain. It is about 14 hectares (34.6 acres) in size and was established in 1818 – making it the second oldest Botanical Gardens in Australia after the Sydney Botanic Gardens.

The Gardens is situated on land once occupied by the Muwinina people. Archaeological findings have shown evidence of extensive shell middens and stone artifacts that date back more than 5000 years.

The Gardens retain historic plant collections and notable trees that date back to the nineteenth century. It also has a growing number of important conservation collections of Tasmanian plants, such as the unique King’s Lomatia, and the world's only Subantarctic Plant House. This exhibit features plants from subantarctic islands in high southern latitudes that grow in a climatically-controlled environment. The chilly fogs and mist within the exhibit mirrors the wet, cold conditions of their island homes. Plants from the Subantarctic Plant House have been collected by Gardens staff and associated scientists during their field trips to Macquarie Island.

Visitors can also check out the visitor centre that offers a restaurant, souvenir shop, and an area for local art exhibitions. The Gardens' own exhibitions are also displayed within the visitor centre. Prior to European settlement, local Aboriginal tribes used the site, and traces of their occupation are still evident.

The Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens show support to the community by hosting events such as an exhibition in February 2011 featuring photos created by students at OAK Community Services. In early 2011, the Gardens displayed Power Plant, a sound and light show that initially had a sold-out season in Hong Kong. The show was


Natural attractions: Botanical gardens


Queens Domain, Hobart TAS 7000, Hobart, TAS 7000

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