
Kilcunda East and West Beach

Tourist attractions

Kilcunda, VIC 3995


Located in Victoria, Australia, Kilcunda East and West Beach are stunning travel destinations known for their relaxed atmosphere, rugged coastline, scenic views, and stunning beaches.

The town is easily accessible by car or public transportation, approximately 117 km southeast of Melbourne, and has a population of around 400 people.

The main attractions in Kilcunda East and West Beach are the beautiful beaches. Visitors can enjoy swimming, surfing, or simply relaxing on the soft sand. Fishing is also popular in the area, with a variety of fish species available to catch. For scenic views, the George Bass Coastal Walk is recommended. Another popular attraction is the Kilcunda Trestle Bridge, the largest surviving rail bridge of its kind in Victoria.

The best time to visit Kilcunda East and West Beach is during the summer months (December to February) when the weather is warm and sunny. Getting to Kilcunda is easy. Visitors can drive by car, which takes approximately 1.5 hours from Melbourne. Alternatively, regular train and bus services are available from Melbourne to Wonthaggi, which is located approximately 10 km from Kilcunda. From Wonthaggi, visitors can take a local bus or taxi to Kilcunda.


Natural attractions: Beaches

Trails & sites: Swimming holes


Kilcunda, VIC 3995

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