
Moorabbee Bluff

Tourist attractions

Knowsley, VIC


Moorabbee Bluff in Knowsley, Australia, offers a panoramic view of Lake Eppalock and is a popular travel destination.

It is a perfect spot for a relaxing getaway in nature with loved ones. The Bluff features picnic tables and a short walking track for visitors to enjoy the view. The best time to visit is during the warmer months, from November to March. To get to Moorabbee Bluff, visitors can take a gravel road that leads to a large parking area and viewpoint. Visitors can also explore the surrounding area, including Lake Eppalock for fishing, boating, and swimming, and the nearby towns of Heathcote, Bendigo, and Castlemaine for cultural and historical attractions. Moorabbee Bluff is a must-visit destination for nature lovers looking for a peaceful escape.


Parks: Regional Parks


Knowsley, VIC

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