
Watch Out For Whales


Lake Tyers Beach, VIC 3909


Watching whales and other marine mammals in Oregon is an amazing experience!

But it's important to remember that our actions can have a negative impact on their ability to feed and rest.

Gray whales are one of the most common cetaceans in Oregon near shore waters. Oregon is an essential habitat for gray whales, who come here to feed and build up their energy for their long migration and breeding periods. They need to gain up to 30% of their body mass (23,000 lbs) during the summer feeding period.

That's why it's important to give them enough space to feed and not disturb their behavior. Vessel guidelines help ensure that we can still enjoy whale watching while also making sure the whales have the chance to feed and rest. Following these guidelines will help ensure that whales can continue to come to Oregon to feed and return in subsequent years.

To learn more about how to watch whales responsibly, you can download the Watch out for Whales poster and brochure here!


Tours: Whale watching

Tour Duration: Single Day Trips


Lake Tyers Beach, VIC 3909

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