
Mount Gower

Tourist attractions

Mt Gower, Lord Howe Island NSW 2898, Lord Howe Island, AIT 2898


Mount Gower, also known as Big Hill, is Lord Howe Island's highest mountain, standing at 875 metres (2,871 ft) above sea level.

It is a popular destination for hikers and nature enthusiasts, offering breathtaking views and diverse ecosystems.

Ascending Mount Gower involves a strenuous 8-hour return hike, making it a sought-after challenge for hikers. It is recommended to take a guided tour for a safe and enjoyable experience, although no special climbing skills are required.

The mountain is covered in rainforests, including unique cloud forests at the summit. Visitors can explore a variety of local flora and fauna, including several species of endemic plants. The picturesque scenery makes it a paradise for photographers.

Located at the southern end of Lord Howe Island, Mount Gower is separated from Mount Lidgbird by the saddle at the head of Erskine Valley. The summit plateau, spanning 27 hectares (67 acres), offers panoramic views of the island, the Tasman Sea, and the surrounding landscape.

To make the most of a visit to Mount Gower, it is advisable to plan ahead. Visitors should be physically fit and equipped with proper hiking gear. Guided tours are available and should be reserved in advance. It is important to dress appropriately, bring plenty of water, and don't forget a camera!


Natural attractions: Mountains & Hills


Mt Gower, Lord Howe Island NSW 2898, Lord Howe Island, AIT 2898

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