
Transit Hill

Tourist attractions

Transit Hill Track, Lord Howe Island NSW 2898, Lord Howe Island, AIT 2898


Transit Hill, located in the center of Lord Howe Island, offers visitors panoramic views of the island's natural beauty.

There are two ways to get to Transit Hill, each taking an hour round-trip, and both paths have opportunities to see various bird species. The hill is accessible by foot and is divided into two parts: the lookout point and Blinky Beach.

The journey to Transit Hill is a serene walk, and visitors do not need to be experienced hikers. The pathways leading to Transit Hill begin at the Administration Centre, whereas the other way starts from Blinky Beach. The trails are well defined and well-maintained. While strolling along the tracks, visitors have the opportunity to spot native bird species such as emerald ground-doves and golden whistlers.

Once visitors reach the lookout point, they are treated to a spectacular 360-degree view of the island. From this vantage point, visitors can see the island's diverse topography, including Mt. Gower, the southernmost summit on the island. After soaking up the sights, visitors can then descend to Blinky Beach to cool down with a swim in the ocean.

Tranist Hill is open year-round. Transit Hill is a short walk from the Administration Center, a place familiar to most visitors on Lord Howe Island. Alternatively, visitors can follow the narrow track starting from Blinky Beach. While walking, visitors can expect to see native plants and animals, making the walk all the more enjoyable.


Natural attractions: Mountains & Hills


Transit Hill Track, Lord Howe Island NSW 2898, Lord Howe Island, AIT 2898

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