
Patina Wines Garden

Tourist attractions

109 Summer Hill Ln, Lucknow, NSW 2800
0428 662 287


Patina Wines Garden is a unique winery and cellar door located in a picturesque hectare of stunning gardens in Dromana.

The winery is known for its delicious wines and a beautiful site to visit. In this response, we will provide you with a detailed guide to what you can see and do at the winery, when you should visit, and how to get there.

The Garden walk is an essential part of your visit to Patina Wines. The cooling greenery of conifers, understory of azaleas, and Japanese maples are a perfect start to your garden excursion. A must-visit spot is the cascading soothing waterfall that offers a rare and stunning view of the conifer collection. You will love meandering past wisteria archways and a wonderful selection of heritage and modern roses which will delight your senses.

The garden is not only about conifers, there's more to see: hydrangeas, clematis, ivy topiaries, filling shaded pockets beautifully. Looking towards the mixed garden border, you'll see colourful flowers such as lupins, lavenders, daisies, and salvias, which blend perfectly with an endless assortment of groundcovers and specimen shrubs. Hidden treasures of the garden are revealed around every corner.

Before launching into exploring the garden, take a view of the majestic Mt Canobolas and surrounding valleys, framed by the stunning standard Ceanothus located at the garden's entrance.

Autumn is the best time to visit Dromana; the weather is mild and offers an excellent time to explore the garden. The garden is open throughout the year, with Spring and summer offering an opportunity to experience the lush greenery of the garden.


Natural attractions: Botanical gardens


Patina Wines
109 Summer Hill Ln, Lucknow, NSW 2800

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