
Rock of Ages

Tourist attractions

Maldon, VIC 3463


Rock of Ages is a stunning rocky outcrop located atop Mount Moorul, which overlooks Maldon, Victoria's first notable town.

The area is known for its enormous boulders, which are staggered across the top of the mount and are strikingly similar to the rocks found at Hanging Rock. The Rock of Ages is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike, who come to enjoy the beautiful views and rugged landscapes of the Nuggetty Ranges in central Victoria. The Rock of Ages is easily accessible via a walking trail that winds its way through the rugged landscapes of the Nuggetty Ranges. The trail is well-maintained and offers stunning views of the surrounding area, making it a popular destination for hikers and nature enthusiasts. The area is also home to a Chinese cemetery, which is located nearby and is a popular destination for those interested in the history of the area.

While the Rock of Ages itself does not have any facilities or amenities, the nearby town of Maldon offers a range of services and amenities for visitors. The town is known for its 19th-century appearance, which has been maintained since gold-rush days. Visitors to the town can enjoy a range of activities, including shopping, dining, and exploring the historic buildings and landmarks that are scattered throughout the town. The nearby town of Maldon offers a range of services and amenities for visitors, making it a great place to visit for a day trip or weekend getaway.


Natural attractions: Cliffs & Rock Formations


Maldon, VIC 3463

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