
Duckboard Place

Tourist attractions

Melbourne, VIC 3000


Located in Melbourne, Victoria, Duckboard Place is famous for its vibrant culture, street art, and an array of restaurants and bars.

Nestled amidst the bustling streets of the city, Duckboard Place Vic is a perfect destination for food and music lovers. Here's what you can expect on your visit to Duckboard Place:

ACDC Lane, named after the famous Australian rock band, is a major attraction of Duckboard Place. This lane is a visual delight for music lovers, as it's decorated with graffiti and murals dedicated to rock legends. It’s the perfect spot to take Instagrammable photos dancing to the beats of rock music. ACDC Lane is open to the public throughout the year.

A Hereford Beefstouw is a Danish-inspired steakhouse located in the heart of Duckboard Place. The restaurant is nestled amidst cobblestone streets and street art, offering a unique dining experience. The restaurant serves the best beef dishes, sourced from Hereford cattle grazing on the brand's own farm in Queensland. You can enjoy a wide variety of steak dishes, accompanied by an excellent selection of wine and cocktails.

Lee Ho Fook is a popular Chinese restaurant in Duckboard Place. The restaurant has a stylish and modern interior and serves new-style Chinese cuisine. The ever-changing menus put a fresh spin on the classics, and the dishes are prepared using top-quality ingredients, making it a favourite among food lovers.

Tonka is an Indian-inspired restaurant in Duckboard Place, serving a wide range of Indian dishes with a modern twist. The restaurant is known for its innovative menu, a blend of Indian and Australian flavours, complemented by a selection of cocktails and wines. The restaurant has won accolades from various food critics and is frequented by


Parks: Entry Station, Regional Parks

Trails & sites: Scenic drives


Melbourne, VIC 3000

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