
Mystery Bay Short Walk

Tourist attractions

Mystery Bay Campground, Mystery Bay NSW 2546, Mystery Bay, NSW 2546
1800 802 528


Experience the beauty of the Australian coast with a leisurely stroll through the Mystery Bay Short Walk.

Beginning at the Mystery Bay campground, you will follow the clearly-defined path north towards Billy's Beach. This 1-kilometer return walk is rated as Easy and can be completed in just 40 minutes, making it perfect for families and anyone seeking a quick outdoor adventure.

Along the way, you will be treated to magnificent views of Montague Island, a natural reserve about 9 kilometers off the coast. Billy's Beach is an important Aboriginal site with great cultural significance, and the beach itself is a secluded and peaceful haven surrounded by rugged headlands and native bushland. Take a refreshing swim, enjoy a family picnic, or simply relax and soak in the peaceful solitude of the coast. At the northern end of the beach, there are rock pools filled with an abundance of marine life. Kids and adults alike will love exploring these shallow pools and getting a close-up look at crabs, starfish, and other creatures.

The Mystery Bay Short Walk is open year-round, and the beach is at its best during the warm summer months from December through February. The Mystery Bay Short Walk starts at the campground at the southern end of Mystery Bay, which is located approximately halfway between Narooma and Bermagui on the NSW South Coast. From Narooma, take the Princes Highway south towards Bermagui, then turn right on Mystery Bay Road. From Bermagui, take the Tathra-Bermagui Road and turn right on Mystery Bay Road. There is plenty of parking available at the campground, and the trail


Trails & sites: Aboriginal


Mystery Bay Campground, Mystery Bay NSW 2546, Mystery Bay, NSW 2546

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