
Weatherly Close, Veronica Court, Unit 8, 04


Weatherly Close, Veronica Court, Unit 8, 04, Nelson Bay, NSW 2315


Weatherly Close, Veronica Court, Unit 8, 04 is a holiday accommodation located in Nelson Bay, New South Wales. The unit offers a comfortable and relaxing environment for guests to unwind after a day at the beach and on the dunes. Key features of the accommodation include an open plan living/dining area, air conditioning, a patio (in some accommodations), sea views (in certain accommodations), and easy access to iconic beaches in Port Stephens.

It is advisable to check with the booking platform or property management for more detailed information about the specific features and services offered at Weatherly Close, Veronica Court, Unit 8, 04.


Type: Vacation rentals

Number of rooms: 0rooms


Weatherly Close, Veronica Court, Unit 8, 04, Nelson Bay, NSW 2315

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