
Cook Park Heritage Walk

Tourist attractions

24 Summer Street, Orange NSW 2800, Orange, NSW 2800
1800 069 466


Explore History and Beauty in Cook Park Heritage Walk.

Cook Park Heritage Walk is situated in the heart of the City of Orange, New South Wales, Australia, at 24-26 Summer Street. It is a heritage-listed 4-hectare (10-acre) urban park that is conveniently located and easily accessible.

Cook Park Heritage Walk is a popular attraction for locals and tourists alike. The park features a well-curated garden that is lovely to stroll through on its own. Immerse yourself in history as you embark on this walking tour, which will take you on a journey through the rich cultural heritage of Orange.

The Heritage Walk is a self-guided tour that features information boards located throughout the park. Each board highlights a different aspect of Orange's history, from the colonial era to the gold rush era, and everything in between. Follow the pathway and take a step back in time as you learn about the significant moments that shaped the city of Orange.

Aside from the Heritage Walk, Cook Park boasts several features that are worth checking out. There is a beautiful tree-lined avenue, a duck pond, and a playground area for children. The park also houses a floral tribute to the city's pioneers and a bowling green for those who enjoy lawn bowls.

Whether you are a history buff, a nature lover, or just looking for a peaceful space to unwind, Cook Park Heritage Walk has something to offer everyone. The beautiful gardens, the stunning sights, and the fascinating history all come together to make Cook Park a must-visit destination in Orange, New South Wales.


Trails & sites: Hiking tracks


24 Summer Street, Orange NSW 2800, Orange, NSW 2800

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