
Jordan Wolfson: Body Sculpture

Events Dec 9 - Jul 28 National Gallery of Australia

Parkes Pl E, Parkes, ACT 2600
02 6240 6411


Jordan Wolfson's Body Sculpture is a robotic work of art, combining sculpture and performance to generate emotional and physical responses in the viewer.

The work can be viewed at set performance session times. It is a free and ticketed art experience. Sessions are on Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat and Sun.

Jordan Wolfson is an artist whose work reflects the situation of the world today. Acting as a witness to the shadow forces within the human condition, Wolfson positions the audience in a physical and moral confrontation with issues facing society and our own place within them.

Wolfson’s animatronic sculptures stage the artist’s desire to reach a deeper register of audience feeling. His works reside at the interface of art history and new technology, drawing from a formal lineage of twentieth-century sculpture as well as images and motifs from the mass media, popular culture and the internet.

This is the first solo presentation of Wolfson’s work in Australia. The world premiere of Body Sculpture, a major acquisition for the national collection, follows Wolfson’s previous animatronic works Female Figure 2014 and Colored Sculpture 2016.

Body Sculpture is shown alongside key works from the national collection selected by the artist, offering further insights into Wolfson’s innovative vision.

Curator: Russell Storer, Head Curator, International Art

Works in this exhibition depict mature themes. Viewer discretion is advised. Children under 15 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Sound levels reach 100 decibels at certain points (equivalent to a motorbike) with loud drumming and impact noises.

Supporting Partner

  • Doma Hotels


Jordan Wolfson: Body Sculpture is a free and ticketed art experience. The work can be viewed at set performance session times.

Sessions are on Thu, Fri, Sat and Sun.

Body Sculpture Conditions

The following conditions apply to all visitors attending the Body Sculpture art experience and are in addition to the National Gallery’s Conditions of Entry and Conditions of Booking. Failure to comply with these safety conditions may result in being asked to leave the space.

When attending a performance of Body Sculpture, it is a requirement that you:

  • follow all instructions provided by National Gallery staff prior to entry and during the entirety of the performance until you have exited the gallery;

  • stay at least 2.5m back from the Body Sculpture performance platform at all times;

  • remain silent in the performance space throughout the duration of the performance;

  • turn your phone to silent from entry until exit;

  • be mindful of yourself, Gallery staff, operators and other audience members;

  • do not make any sudden movements when in the space;

  • do not distract the operators or staff throughout the entirety of the performance;

  • take photos discreetly with your mobile phone only (no large cameras);

  • exit the space when instructed (either due to an emergency stop or the natural end of the performance);

  • quietly exit the gallery space by the main doors if you wish to leave before the natural end of the performance; and

  • ensure children under 15 are accompanied by an adult and children under 12 remain seated while in the gallery space.

The National Gallery has implemented these conditions to ensure, to the greatest extent possible in a live robotic-arts performance space, a safe experience and we appreciate you complying during your visit.


Event date: Dec 9 - Jul 28

Ticket Price Information: See website for more information

Time(s): See website for more information

Event Venue: National Gallery of Australia

Accessibility: See website for more information

Ticket on-sale date: 08 May 2024

Suited for: Families

Art exhibitions: Sculpture, Other exhibitions


National Gallery of Australia
Parkes Pl E, Parkes, ACT 2600

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National Gallery of Australia