
Trin Warren Tam-boore

Tourist attractions

Melbourne, VIC 3052
9658 9658


Trin Warren Tam-boore, also known as Bellbird waterhole, is a five-hectare urban wetland located in the north-west of Royal Park in Melbourne, Australia.

Despite being located in the heart of the city, Trin Warren Tam-boore provides a natural haven for both wildlife and humans alike.

The wetland serves several purposes, including treating stormwater run-off from surrounding suburbs, providing habitat for wildlife, and delivering recycled water for use in parks. The water in the wetland is kept clean through the natural biological action of native plants, which act as a natural filtration system. Trin Warren Tam-boore is home to a variety of animals, including birds, snakes, and frogs, and is also a habitat for White's skink.

The best way to experience Trin Warren Tam-boore is by following the walking trail that winds its way through the wetland. The suggested trail takes 90 minutes to complete and offers visitors the opportunity to learn about the wetland's features, functions, and wildlife. The trail is well signposted with informative displays along the way, making it suitable for visitors of all ages.

While walking through Trin Warren Tam-boore, visitors can see a wide variety of birds, frogs, and other wildlife. The wetland's tranquil surroundings make it a popular spot for nature enthusiasts and photographers. The best time to visit Trin Warren Tam-boore is during the spring and summer months (September to February) when the weather is warm, and the wetland is at its most vibrant newline.


Natural attractions: Beaches


Melbourne, VIC 3052

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