
Postcode Honey

Food & Drink

Perth, Perth, WA 6000


All our honey is small batch, raw and cold filtered - we do the bare minimum to ensure you get the purest of WA's world renowned honey.

My name is John and I live in North Perth, Western Australia.  I have established Postcode Honey - a private family business with the goal of establishing a hive in every postcode in Perth, Western Australia.

I wanted to become a beekeeper for years after working for an apiarist one summer back in the 1990s.  After encouragement from family and friends, I finally took the plunge in early 2014.  We bought the equipment and established the first hive in our back yard in April 2014.  Since then, we have slowly been building up the number of hives that we are managing.

We are hoping to establish at least one beehive in every postcode in and around Perth.  That will be more than 100 postcodes - we are currently at around 70!

Stockist list here: http://www.postcodehoney.com.au/stockists.html

Open Hours

Last Updated: 29 Apr 2024