
2001: A Space Odyssey - Revelation Film Festival

Events July 13 WA Museum Boola Bardip

Perth, WA 6000


My Lord – what can be said about this film that hasn’t already been said?

Stanley Kubrick’s monumental sci-fi epic wraps in philosophy, phenomenology, visual effects that remain as good today as they did in 1968 and enigmatic storytelling that continues to have audiences entranced.

From its famous opening sequence, to one of the great moments of film editing in making the jump from prehistory to space, to the prophetic relationship between astronaut Dave and the AI powered computer HAL 9000, 2001 is a dazzling experience from beginning to end. In it we journey from the beginning to the end of time and in between contemplate the meaning of the giant monolith that appears on the moon and changes the direction of the human race along a course of enlightenment.

There’s so many great moments here in both the film and the conspiracy theories it unleashed, including that of Kubrick being co-opted by NASA into faking the actual moon landing with his skills in recreating space. One might also speculate on Kubrick’s possible satirical comment around the HAL computer whose subsequent letters in the alphabet spell IBM.

In any instance, it’s a screen classic.

Entry includes admission into To the Moon exhibition.


Event date: July 13

Time(s): 5:30pm - 10pm

Event Venue: WA Museum Boola Bardip

Accessibility: Refer to website

Films: Feature films, Films, Movie events

Event Company: Revelation Perth International Film Festival


WA Museum Boola Bardip
Perth, WA 6000

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