
Unravelling Mystery (expired event)

Events May 28 - June 1

2 Mill Street, Perth, WA 6000
0418 900 954


An exhibition of Aboriginal art by Artitja Fine Art. Organised as part of National Reconciliation Week to connect cultures through art.

Unravelling Mystery will feature paintings from desert communities as far away as Balgo in the East
Kimberley to Papulankutja (Blackstone), a small community located between the Western and Great
Victoria deserts; the Pitjantjatjara communities further to the east, and will be a bright, colourful and
welcoming celebration of reconciliation.
“The invitation to exhibit is a great opportunity to create wider awareness of Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander culture and history. Our aim has always been to connect cultures through art” says
gallery Director Anna Kanaris. “Aboriginal art is not just about aesthetic beauty, it provides insights
into Indigenous stories and important Tjurrkupa (dreamings). Within Australia and internationally,
the art plays an important role as a medium for connection between very different cultures.”
This years’ theme Don’t Keep History A Mystery calls out for all Australians to be curious and ask
questions about Australia’s first peoples and enter a world of richness and ancient culture.
“We will be present throughout the exhibition to contribute and support this celebratory week and
urge everyone to visit and bring curiosity along with them! After all, it’s all about enjoying while you
learn” says Anna. 





Event date: May 28 - June 1

Ticket Price Information: Free

Art exhibitions: Aboriginal, Painting

Other: Aboriginal


2 Mill Street, Perth, WA 6000

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