
Castle Rock Dive Site

Tourist attractions

Agincourt Reefs, Port Douglas QLD 4877, Port Douglas, QLD 4877


Castle Rock Dive Site is a remarkable tower of coral located at Agincourt Reefs, accessible from Port Douglas on a day trip.

The site offers divers and snorkelers an unparalleled underwater experience with its tower of coral rising from a depth of 25 meters up to the surface of the sea.

Divers and snorkelers flock to Castle Rock Dive Site for its diverse sea life. The site boasts breathtaking hard coral gardens, some of the healthiest on the Great Barrier Reef. Exploring the coral gardens in shallow waters reveals a myriad of sea creatures, including whitetip reef sharks, giant clams, turtles, lionfish, and other reef fish typical in the Great Barrier Reef.

One of the site's remarkable features is Colin, the friendly Malabar grouper who is known for his interactions with divers and snorkelers. Castle Rock Dive Site is also home to a range of aquatic life, such as trevally, snappers, goatfish, fusiliers, and surgeonfish.

Castle Rock Dive Site can be accessed year-round, but the best time to visit is during the Australian winter, from June to August. During this time, visitors can enjoy optimal visibility of up to 30 meters, and the waters are generally calm.

To reach Castle Rock Dive Site, visitors can take a day trip departing from Port Douglas. Several tour companies offer diving or snorkeling day trips, with prices varying according to the package. It is advisable to book a day trip in advance, especially during the peak tourist season.


Trails & sites: Diving Sites


Agincourt Reefs, Port Douglas QLD 4877, Port Douglas, QLD 4877

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