
Possum Parade

Tourist attractions

84 Murray Avenue, Renmark SA 5341, Renmark, SA 5341
1300 661 704


Renmark is home to Possum Parade, a beloved tourist attraction where visitors can meet friendly possums living in the palm trees along the Renmark Riverfront.

The possums become active in the evening and are known for their friendly demeanor. The parade is free and can be explored at any time.

Visitors can watch the possums as they come down from the palm trees at sunset. It is recommended to bring carrots or fruits to leave out for the possums to nibble on. Additionally, visitors can take a leisurely stroll along the well-lit Riverfront Trail while enjoying the parade.

Possum Parade is available all year round, and the best time to experience it is at dusk. Watching the possums come down from the palm trees as the sun sets is a magical experience that never loses its charm.

Renmark is located in South Australia, approximately 255km northeast of Adelaide. Visitors can reach Renmark by road, air, or rail. To get to Possum Parade, visitors can park along the Renmark Riverfront or in designated parking areas. From there, it's a short walk to the palm trees where the possums reside.

Don't miss the chance to meet the friendly possums of Renmark and experience the enchanting Possum Parade. This unique attraction is a must-see for families and children, and is sure to be a highlight of your Renmark visit.


Attractions: Wildlife centres


84 Murray Avenue, Renmark SA 5341, Renmark, SA 5341

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