
Robe Lighthouse

Tourist attractions

Robe, SA 5276


The Robe Lighthouse is an automated unmanned light located at the western edge of Robe Township.

It was built in 1972 to replace the historic Cape Jaffa Lighthouse on Margaret Brock Reef. The lighthouse is a star-shaped concrete tower, 18 meters high and 63.1 meters above sea level. It has a light array of three vertical banks, each consisting of five 200-watt headlight-type lamps. The optics include a revolving hexagonal column of sealed beam lamps, showing a character of three flashes every 10 seconds with an intensity of 410,000 candelas, visible up to 37 kilometers out to sea.

Robe was the main port for the southeast of South Australia and the border country in the early days of settlement. The original lighthouse in Robe was a small wooden building with a kerosene lamp. It began operating in 1895 and was tended by retired mariner Andrew Munro. The Robe Lighthouse is easily accessible at the western edge of the township, and the adjacent building houses a standby power plant.

The Robe Obelisk, located on Cape Dombey, is a pyramid-like structure standing 12.2 meters tall. It was constructed in 1855 as a 'day guide' for ships entering Guichen Bay. The obelisk was originally a single color but was painted with three white stripes and two red in 1862. It was also used for storing rocket equipment for the local lifeboat crew. Since its construction, the soft sandstone cliffs on which the obelisk stands have eroded significantly.

To visit the Robe Lighthouse, you can go anytime you please, but the best time to visit is on


Attractions: Lighthouses


Robe, SA 5276

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